
Wybierz sklad Pogled
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Disposable tweezers, PS, blue

Disposable tweezers, PS, detectable

Disposable tweezers, PS, detectable

Disposable tweezers, PS, detectable

Dissecting forceps, Waugh

Forceps stands

Forceps with guide-pin, PTFE coating

Forceps with guide-pin, PTFE coating

Forceps with guide-pin, PTFE coating

Forceps with guide-pin, PTFE coating

Forceps with guide-pin, PTFE coating

Forceps with guide-pin, PTFE coating

Forceps with guide-pin, stainless steel

Forceps with guide-pin, stainless steel

Forceps with guide-pin, stainless steel

Forceps with guide-pin, stainless steel

Forceps with guide-pin, stainless steel

Forceps with guide-pin, stainless steel