Separating, centrifuging

Benchtop centrifuges
Centrifuge tubes
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Fixed angle rotor F-34-6-38 and adapters

Fixed angle rotor F-34-6-38 and adapters

Fixed angle rotor F-35-48-17 / Rotor T-60-11

Fixed angle rotor F-35-48-17 / Rotor T-60-11

Fixed angle rotor F-35-48-17 / Rotor T-60-11

Fixed angle rotor FA-45-20-17

Fixed angle rotor FA-45-6-30

Fixed angle rotors F-45-30-11 and FA-45-30-11

Fixed angle rotors F-45-30-11 and FA-45-30-11

Fixed angle rotors FA-45-48-11 / F-45-48-PCR

Fixed angle rotors FA-45-48-11 / F-45-48-PCR

Graduated centrifuge tubes, conical, PMP

Graduated centrifuge tubes, conical, PMP

Graduated centrifuge tubes, conical, PP

Graduated centrifuge tubes, conical, PP

Graduated centrifuge tubes, conical, PP

Graduated centrifuge tubes, conical, PP