Distillation, synthesis

Components for Extraction
Components for reaction and distillation
Dropping Funnels
Flasks with NS joint neck
Flat ground flange reaction vessels
Gas wash bottles
Ground joints, attachable
KPG stirrer and bearings
Laboratory reactors
NS joints accessories
Reflux condenser
standard ground stoppers
Stopcocks and Valves
Tubing adapters
Izberi pogled
Prikaži na stranu

liebig-ov kondezator ns29/31,l400mm

liebig condenser, 400 mm, ns 24/29

Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives

allihn condenser 250 mm, ns 29/32

dimroth condenser 160 mm, ns 14/32

liebig condenser 250 mm, ns 14/32

Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3

Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3

Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3

Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3

Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3

Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3

cone cut stopper ns 45/40

Conical ground joint stoppers, LDPE

Conical ground joint stoppers, LDPE

cone cut stopper ns 34/35

cone cut stopper ns 14/23

Conical ground joint stoppers, PP