
Cooling incubators
Heating baths
Heating mantles
Ovens, Furnaces
Shaking incubators
Shaking water baths
Temperature controllers, thermostats
Test incubators
Universal, Heating and Drying incubators
Vacuum drying incubators
Water baths
Izberi Pogled
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Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol, with powder-coated exterior housing

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol, with stainless steel exterior housing

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol, with stainless steel exterior housing

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol, with stainless steel exterior housing

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ General Protocol

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ General Protocol

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ General Protocol

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ General Protocol

Microbiological incubators Heratherm™ General Protocol

Microplate incubator INC-200D-M

Microtube block thermostat BTD

Mini-Incubator CULTURA® M, with Multirack

Mini-Incubator CULTURA® M, with Multirack and LLG-Min/Max Digital-Thermometer

Mini-Incubator Heratherm™ Compact IMC 18

Mini-Incubator LLG-uniINCU 20

Mini-Incubator LLG-uniINCU 20

Muffle furnaces series L, max. 1100 °C, with flap door

Muffle furnaces series L, max. 1100 °C, with flap door