
Cryogenic accessories
Cryogenic boxes
Cryogenic racks
Cryogenic storage tanks
Cryogenic tubes
Dewar flasks
Ice machines
Liquid nitrogen-Accessories
Low and Ultra low temperature freezers
Refrigerators and Freezers
Refrigerators and Freezers ex protected
Transport boxes
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Eppendorf cryo vials, PP, with 2D SafeCode

Eppendorf cryo vials, PP, with 2D SafeCode

Eppendorf cryo vials, PP, with 2D SafeCode

Eppendorf cryo vials, PP, with 2D SafeCode

Eppendorf cryo vials, PP, with 2D SafeCode

Euronormboxes, PP, stackable

Euronormboxes, PP, stackable

Euronormboxes, PP, stackable

Euronormboxes, PP, stackable

Flake ice maker MF series, without reservoir

Flake ice maker MF series, without reservoir

Flake ice maker MF series, without reservoir

Flake ice maker with reservoir, UFP series, air cooled

Flake ice maker with reservoir, UFP series, air cooled

Flake ice maker with reservoir, UFP series, air cooled

Flake ice maker with reservoir, UFP series, air cooled

Flake ice maker without reservoir, RFP series, air cooled

Flake ice maker without reservoir, RFP series, air cooled