Zoom Stereo Microscope SMZ-Series

SKU: 6287151*LLG
Manufacturer: LLG
Zoom Stereo Microscope SMZ-Series
Convincing optical performance combined with compact footprint and robust mechanics for various industrial applications.
  • Greenough Type
  • Trinocular head, 45° inclined, 360° rotating
  • Fixed optical split 50:50
  • Widefield eyepieces WF10X/23 mm, incl. eyecups (SMZ-171), widefield eyepieces WF10X/20 mm, incl. eyecups (SMZ-161)
  • Coarse focus, adjustable
  • Black/White stage plate (SMZ-171) and dust cover
  • Plain stand
  • Head holder without light

SMZ-161-TP: 6.1 Zoom ratio, working distance 110 mm
SMZ-171-TP: 6.7:1 Zoom ratio, working distance 110 mm

Accessories and options available on request.
Manufacturer:MOTIC Deutschland GmbH
Article description 1:***after clearance sale no longer available***
Article description 2:Zoom stereo microscope SMZ-161-TP
Article description 3:trinocular head, widefield eyepieces